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Arctic - HTML, VueJs, Angular, React & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template

Arctic - HTML, VueJs, Angular, React & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template - 1
Arctic - HTML, VueJs, Angular, React & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template - 2

Arctic Admin – HTML + Vue + Angular + Laravel + React Dashboard Template
is clean, feature rich, extraordinarily customizable & developer friendly admin dashboard template.

Arctic Admin comes with Bootstrap,
Vue with vuetifyJs, Angular with Material, React with Material UI & Laravel with Bootstrap versions.

We’ve followed highest industry standard for each frameworks and libraries &
wrote detailed documentation for the ease of use & customization.
Moreover, our dedicated support team is always ready to help you.
You can also report bug and submit feature request HERE

Arctic Admin Dashboard comes with stunningly designed
equipped to apply dashboard interfaces, web page templates, components,
plugins with Dark & Light colour scheme & RTL

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admin angular admin angular material bootstrap ecommerce laravel admin material design material ui minimal react admin scss vuejs admin VuetifyJS
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